Monday, March 16, 2009

Winners Not Whiners

The one person who can make you and your business better is YOU! It's time to get off of your backside and start doing what is necessary to make your business and your life better. It is easy to blame everyone and everything else for you not being as successful or happy as you want to be.

The truth is the only person who can change your circumstances is YOU!

Stop making excuses for not succeeding. It’s not the economy or the competition. IT IS YOU! Your first decision is to make that realization.

Your second decision should be to attend this two-day workshop. Stacey Friedlein is known for telling it like it is. He has a unique ability to help his clients and students identify the core issues which keep them from achieving maximum success. His thirty plus years of experience in business ownership
, management, sales and consulting, and as a lifetime Christian has made him a trusted mentor and educator to hundreds of small business owners.

Through a process of reflection and analysis he can help you identify your value system and personal and professional goals. With this knowledge he will guide you through a planning process which creates an action plan for managing their business and getting the most out of your life.

This is not a one-stop, fix-all workshop. In this program you will learn the techniques necessary for making everyday decisions which will improve your business, your personal life both today and into the future.

So are you going to take action, stop whining and register today for a two-day event which will change your life!

Be About the Business of $ucces$ Seminar and Workshops

Taught by Stacey L. Friedlein, Cr. Photo., PPA-ABI, S-PPANI

Get more information on classes near you at:

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